Grow your skills with Hempel Studios

SUMMER WORKSHOP 2024 | June 20-23
$365 tuition
$65 model fee | Additional Materials Fees:
- There will be tools to use in the studio and you are welcome to bring your own
- Armature is $35 is you choose to keep it, otherwise it can return to the studio
- Clay is $8/ pound if you choose to keep it, otherwise it can return to the studio bin
Fees calculated at the end of the workshop.
REGISTER TODAY! Spots are limited.
Sculpting the Portrait in Clay
Wednesdays from 5:30pm- 9:30pm
ARTT 210 - Sculpture (3 credits)
In this class, we will focus on sculpting the human figure in clay. We will learn about the history of the figure in sculpture as well as structural anatomy. We will work from life, make a copy of a masterwork, and explore abstract expressions of the figure. In addition, we will create studio notebooks filled with vocabulary words, anatomical diagrams and notes, as well as a collection of sculptures from ancient to modern artists. This notebook will serve as a reference book for your studio!
This class will be a lot of fun but come prepared to work! Sculpture requires us to integrate what we can observe with what we know of the underlying anatomical structure and how we manipulate the clay with our hands and our tools.
ARTT 220 - Intermediate Sculpture (3 credits)
Location: Classes are being held at Frederick Community College in Frederick, Maryland.
Finishing and Casting: You will be able to take your clay sculpture home, but we will not have the time or resources for mold making and casting. If you are interested in casting, I can connect you with mold-makers, though I prefer to think of classes & workshops as being more about the process than the finished product. I encourage all of my students to recycle the clay and create another sculpture. And another. And another. Learn more about the kind of clay we use here.