Master Drawing Mondays: Summer Break
This summer, enjoy some time in nature. Don’t forget your sketchbook! Master Drawing Mondays will be on summer break, but please keep drawing. #MasterDrawingMondays
Master Drawing Mondays: Week 20
Study for “Apollo and Daphne”, by John Singer Sargent. Sargent is one of America’s best portrait painters and figurative artists. I love the freshness of this drawing. It could have been a pose we recreated when I was learning to draw back in the 1990s. #MasterDrawingMondays
Master Drawing Mondays: Week 19
In honor of Mothers Day, here is a beautiful depiction of the Virgin Mary with the Infant Christ. I love that this is a Master Drawing of a Master Drawing. Thomas Vivares drew this “Madonna and Child” after a drawing attributed to Ludovico Carracci in 1823. It’s part of the collection of the Royal Academy in London.
Master Drawing Mondays: Week 18
My last day in France I spent in Paris. First, I went to the Petit Palais to see the collection of plaster casts for many of the works of public art around the city.
This week’s Master Drawing Monday comes from Aimé-Jules Dalou’s study for his monumental worked for “The Republic.” #masterdrawingMondays
Master Drawing Mondays: Week 17
In honor of my time at Château d’Orquevaux, I present a portrait of Denis Diderot by Louis-Michel Van Loo.
Denis Diderot’s daughter, Marie-Angelique married Abel Nicolas Francois Caroillon du Vandeul and they lived in the Château here in Orquevaux, which is now an international artist and writer’s residency. #MasterDrawingMondays
Master Drawing Mondays: Week 16
This line drawing of Pre-Raphaelite muse, Fanny Cornforth, by Dante Gabriel Rosetti is a splendid example of Rosetti’s style, plus good practice for precision cross-hatching. #Masterdrawingmondays
Master Drawing Mondays: Week 15
This lovely study of St. Andrew was made in 1609 by an Italian artist named Guido Reni. It was made as a predatory study for Saint Andrew brought to the temple and Saints Peter and Paul in the chapel of St. Andrew in San Gregorio al Celio in Rome. #MasterDrawingMondays
Master Drawing Mondays: Week 14
This drawing, A Triton Blowing a Conch Shell, by Jean-Baptiste Nattier was presumably done as a study for a painting. Nattier used black chalk heightened with white chalk on gray-brown laid paper. It is the size of a typical sheet of paper, 11″ x 8 7/8″. The toned paper from Canson would be perfect for this. #MasterDrawingMondays
Master Drawing Mondays: Week 13
The challenge of Master Drawing Mondays is to set aside time to copy a drawing. You can either choose from one of the Dover books, or I will provide a weekly prompt from a museum collection. If you are on social media, use the hashtag #MasterDrawingMonday and tag me on Instagram @SarahHI. Let’s see how many out-of-practice artists we can encourage to take up a regular practice of copying the old masters!
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