One Shovelful at a Time

Reprinted from my old blog, Nine Tons of Marble, on May 9, 2009. My uncle tells this beautiful parable about achieving a monumental task. Many years ago, he and his young son had to lay a sewer line in the back yard. They had to dig a forty-foot trench by hand, too poor to afford…

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I am a person who talks a great deal about Place. Perhaps I’ve read too many Wendell Berry books. Or perhaps I’m on my fifteenth address in thirty-four years. I am placeless. My studio follows my same pattern. I moved into my first outside-of-school studio in 2001 in Frederick, Maryland. It was a tiny space…

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The Work at Hand

Currently, at the studio the major work that is happening is a commission for a church south of Pittsburgh. The parish is condensing its ethnic parishes into one congregation, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, after the first American born saint. To honor the heritage of the parishes in the consolidation, five saints will be placed…

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