What is the Point of Art?
Is it possible that making art is the main thing? What if it’s not a side job or a hobby at all, but it’s the whole point?
Installing the Blessed Virgin Mary
How many people does it take to move a two-ton sculpture of the Blessed Virgin out of the studio, into a truck, sixty-five miles down the road and into a niche in a church?
The Arts and Economic Development
A healthy arts community means a vibrant local economy. Support your local artists today!
Why I Love Making Sacred Art
This is why I love making sacred art. Art is always a spiritual act, but with sacred art, people approach it seeking God. And there is that hope that the piece you made, carefully, painstakingly, lovingly with your own hands, somehow connects the viewer to something, Someone Higher.
The Team at New York City Sculpture
With the exception of actually designing and making sculptures, working with a dynamic team of creative people is my favorite aspect of running a studio.
Ecclesiastical Arts Fair: October 20th
I would like to invite those of you who live local to, or near, Pittsburgh to an…
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The Story of Kemp Hall and my friend, Johan, a Flemish Surrealist
Several years back, a group of artists were working in a wonderful building named Kemp Hall in Frederick, Maryland. I met my friend, Johan Lowie there.