Claire McCardell in the Media
Thanks to designer Tory Burch, Claire McCardell’s name is on everyone’s lips! Tory Burch appeared on Good Morning America to discuss the re-release of Claire McCardell’s 1956 book, “What Shall I Wear?”
How Making Art Taught Me to Love My Body
The way an artist looks at a model is unlike the way we look at one another in any other context. There is no judgment for the way a model compares with glossy magazine images or how they measure up to cultural beauty standards.
The Tiny Tools of the Trade
Tools are an extension of our own hands, but we always begin with what we already have. In this post I introduce you to my favorite tiny tools!
A Story About Drawing
It was Tuesday Night Drawing group. If it weren’t so sacrilegious to say, it was our church. We never missed a Tuesday, even during that terrible snow storm last year. I walked the mile into town to draw.
A Tale of Two Aprons
put on my kitchen apron. My aprons keep my clothes cleaner, certainly, but they are important for managing that mental shift I make everyday from working artist to working mother.
Trade Your DoomScrolling for a Book
I’ve been plugging my phone in earlier in the evening and spending that time reading. It’s amazing how many pages I’ve been able to read! T
On Walking
I had been feeling panicked about not getting enough work done or paying enough attention to this thing or that, but I have been giving my mind and body exactly what it has needed- a reset.
How a simple reframing can help your life feel less chaotic
I cannot keep a schedule, but I can keep a rhythm.
Big Ideas
eard that it was said that there is nothing new under the sun, but I am telling you that each unique fingerprint on each unique hand on each unique human being is here, arranged in this way with particular stories to tell, with a nuance that brings new meaning to our collective stories.
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